New Research: Love Hormone, Oxytocin, Tied to Sex Addiction
Find out important new information from the 2022 study about oxytocin's role in Hypersexual Disorder (HD) and how it can be used to treat compulsive sexual behaviors like cheating and porn addiction. Find out how these conditions are affected by high levels of oxytocin and how therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) might help manage them well. To improve treatment, it's important to understand the biological causes of sexual compulsivity.
How To Rebuild Trust After Betrayal
In "How to Build Trust After Betrayal," we talk about how hard it is to fix relationships that have been broken by sex or porn addiction or repeated cheating. It is very important to understand the "Betrayed Partner Trauma Trigger Cycle" on this trip. This blog walks both partners through six stages of healing and stresses how important it is to understand, be consistent, and talk to each other. Find out why "grand gestures" don't always work and look into ways to build trust and security again. It's more than just a guide; it's a helpful friend for people who are trying to rebuild trust in relationships that have been damaged by addiction.
Infidelity: The Perfectly Unpredictable
Fidelity and infidelity create a complex and frequently perplexing pattern in the tapestry of human intimacy. The pursuit of a single, lasting love connection is like trying to find your way through a complex maze; although the desire for monogamous commitment is common, the maze is full of obstacles that can deceive even the most determined seekers. In this article, I’ll discuss the complications around perception and associated confession related to infidelity. We’ll also delve into the impossibility of predicting infidelity as well as the less understood consensual non-monogamy.
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