“Why Did I Cheat on My Wife?”
“Why did I cheat on my wife?!” is the most common question I’m asked. We know that one-in-three husbands will cheat. Here, I’ll explore the complexities of infidelity including defining infidelity, the effects of infidelity, frequently held misconceptions, the underlying causes, techniques for combating it as well as looking at 3 research studies. I will attempt to dive deep into the subject and bring some clarity and answers to this difficult question, and others. Comprehending the causes of cheating behavior is a vital step in the healing and recovery process.
Sex Addiction and the Trickle Truth: Understanding the Gradual Revelation of Lies
Your partner cheated on you, lied to you, and violated you and your relationship contract right up until the moment they were caught.
Now, they’re begging you to believe them… but can you?
The term "trickle truth" describes the progressive disclosure of information that was first concealed, most of the time as a result of a lie. The idea relates to the gradual exposure of information that was initially hidden. This phenomenon has significant repercussions for individuals as well as for businesses, particularly with regard to compulsive sexual behavior.
The Truth About Affair Recovery: Grief Process not Trust Rebuild
The discovery of an affair can be a life-changing event for anyone currently involved in a committed partnership. It is essential to have the understanding that healing infidelity is not simply a matter of reestablishing trust but also of working through the sadness that comes with the termination of a romantic partnership. It is necessary to come to terms with the fact that the relationship has ended and to go on to the next step in the process, which is to enter into a new relationship contract.
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