Devastation to Prosperity: Five Phases of Sex Addiction Recovery
Sex Addiction, porn addiction and compulsive sexual behavior disorder are becoming increasingly serious problems in our society. The addict’s personal life, relationships, and work can all suffer significant harm as a result of this addiction. It is essential that you have the understanding that recovery from sex addiction is a journey, and that along the way, you will progress through a number of distinct phases as you heal and mature. The following is a 5-step timeline that will assist you in comprehending the process of healing as well as what to anticipate during each stage of the process.
Sex Addict or Really High Sex Drive?
A high sex drive is just a strong desire for sexual engagement, whereas sex addiction is an illness marked by an inability to manage sexual behavior.
Why is Porn Addictive?
It is not clearly understood why porn use becomes compulsive for some people and not for others. It is believed that there may be some people who are more susceptible to addictive or compulsive behaviors because of genetic, biological, or environmental factors. Here are some potential causes and risk factors for developing a porn addiction…
When and How to Get Help with Porn Addiction
If you feel that your use of pornography is causing problems in your life or is having negative effects on your relationships, it may be helpful to seek support. Some signs that your use of pornography may be problematic include: You feel unable to stop or control your use of pornography, even if you want to. You spend a significant amount of time viewing pornography or thinking about it. You prioritize viewing pornography over other activities or responsibilities. Your use of pornography is causing problems in your personal or professional life. You feel distressed or anxious when you are unable to view pornography.
What is Porn Addiction?
Porn addiction is a type of behavioral addiction that is characterized by an obsessive need to view pornographic material. Porn addiction can cause a range of negative consequences, including relationship problems, difficulty with work or school, and financial difficulties. It can also interfere with a person's daily life and functioning.
3 Ways to Become More Vulnerable with Your Partner
Being vulnerable takes courage—but it's so worth it. When we are vulnerable with our partner, we are giving them a gift: the gift of true intimacy. By sharing our fears, worries, and feelings—even if they seem small or silly—we are opening ourselves up in a way that creates closeness and connection. If there's something from your past that still affects you today, don't be afraid to share it with your partner; doing so will only make your relationship stronger.
Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder: What it is & 5 Steps to Overcome
Compulsive sexual behavior disorder (CSBD) is a condition characterized by a pattern of compulsive sexual thoughts, urges, and behaviors. It can take the form of hypersexuality, addiction to pornography, or other forms of risky sexual behavior. For those who struggle with compulsive sex behavior, it can be difficult to break out of this cycle. However, it is possible to take control of your behavior and create healthy habits around your sexuality. Here are five steps you can take to start overcoming CSBD today.
Minimization Fuels Porn & Sex Addiction; What it is and How to Stop
Minimizing our problems might seem like an effective way to deal with them but, in reality, all it does is prevent us from finding solutions. If left unchecked, minimization can lead to negative thinking patterns and damage our relationships with others. If you find yourself using minimization as a defense mechanism, there are steps that you can take to overcome it—the first being acknowledging your feelings about the situation. With acknowledgment comes clarity and with clarity comes power—the power to take control of the situation and resolve it once and for all. Sex Addiction, Porn Addiction, Boston, Blair Bisher, BPB Counseling
5 Ways to Practice Self-Care & Why it Matters
Self-care is vital for leading a happy and healthy life, but it's often overlooked in favor of other priorities. Make sure you're taking the time to practice self-care by getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, taking breaks when needed, and spending time with loved ones. Your mind and body will thank you!
The Science of Love: Gottman's Love Lab Findings
Gottman is a world-renowned relationship expert, and his work has changed the way we think about love and marriage. His research includes studying what he calls "the masters and disasters of love"—couples who have either made their relationship work or seen it fall apart. After studying these couples, Gottman was able to identify four behaviors that he called "the four horsemen of the apocalypse." These four behaviors—criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling—were present in every failed relationship, while couples who had lasting relationships did not exhibit these behaviors.
Criticism is when you attack your partner's character rather than their behavior. For example, "you're such a slob" is a criticism, whereas "I don't like it when you leave your clothes on the floor" is not.
Contempt is when you see your partner as beneath you and speak to them accordingly. This could manifest as name-calling, eye-rolling, or mockery.
Defensiveness is feeling the need to justify your actions instead of taking responsibility for them.
Stonewalling is shutting down emotionally and withdrawing from the conversation altogether.
Bouncing Back from Rock Bottom: 5 Steps to be Stronger Than Ever
Everyone makes mistakes. We're only human, after all. But sometimes those mistakes can lead us to a place we never thought we'd find ourselves: rock bottom. Whether it's because of a job loss, the end of a relationship, or some other personal setback, hitting rock bottom is a feeling we all hope to avoid.
But it doesn't have to be the end of the world. In fact, some people even view hitting rock bottom as a blessing in disguise. It's an opportunity to start over, to rebuild your life from the ground up. If you're currently facing tough times, know that it's not the end. Use these five steps to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and bounce back even stronger than before.
How to Overcome Compulsive Sexual Behavior
Dealing with any addiction can be difficult, but overcoming a compulsive behavior addiction can be especially challenging. That's because, unlike substance abuse or other types of addiction, compulsive behaviors are often considered socially acceptable—even encouraged. But make no mistake: compulsive behaviors can be just as destructive as any other type of addiction, leading to physical and mental health problems, strained relationships, and difficulty functioning in day-to-day life. If you're struggling with a compulsive behavior addiction, there is hope. Here are four steps you can take to overcome your addiction and live a healthier, happier life.
What is an Integrity Disorder?
Integrity disorders are a type of personality disorder characterized by a lack of moral principles or a relaxed attitude towards morality. People with integrity disorders often struggle to tell right from wrong and may engage in criminal activity or other reckless behavior without any regard for the consequences. If you suspect that you or someone you know may have an integrity disorder, here are some things you can do to better understand the condition.
5 Benefits of Group Therapy
Group Therapy for Sex Addiction and Porn Addiction has significant benefits. Boston, MA. BPB Counseling.
The 5 Best Books for help with Porn Addiction
The 5 best books for porn addiction. The list includes books for men, women, gay men (chemsex) and partners of porn addicts.
Love Addiction: What It Is and How to Cope
Love is like a drug. We can't get enough of it, and when we're not getting our fix, we feel restless and empty. If you've ever felt this way, you may be addicted to love.
Love addiction is a real phenomenon, and it's one that can have serious consequences for both the addict and their loved ones. If you're addicted to love, you may find yourself in a destructive cycle of codependency, desiring validation and attention from others more than you desire healthy intimacy. This can lead to problems in all areas of your life, including your work, your friendships, and your romantic relationships.
Fortunately, there are things you can do to break the cycle of love addiction and start living a healthier, happier life. In this blog post, we'll explore what it means to be addicted to love, where this addiction comes from, and how you can begin to cope. We'll also offer three helpful tips for those who are struggling with a love addiction.
The Holiday Season is Difficult for Addicts — Here are 5 ways to Survive
The holidays can be difficult for sex addicts and porn addicts. Here are five steps to helping you maintain your sobriety during the holiday season. You can always reach out for sex addiction counseling, or help with your compulsive sexual behavior by reaching out to Blair Bisher at
How to Leave Your Past in the Past and Live in the Present
Help with Sex Addiction and Porn Addiction. Leave your past in the past and practice presence, living in the present moment.
Coping Strategies: How to Cope with Sex & Porn Addiction & Make Progress
If you are struggling with sex addiction or porn addiction, know that you are not alone and there is help available. Coping strategies can be very effective in helping you make progress in your recovery from addiction. Identifying your triggers, finding a support group, and seeking professional help are all great places to start if you are looking for ways to cope with addiction.
Defense Mechanisms That Perpetuate Sex and Porn Addiction
Defense Mechanisms That Perpetuate Sex Addiction and Porn Addiction.
Sex and Porn Addiction is often thought of as a personal failing, but it's actually a complicated condition with many causes. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the defense mechanisms that can perpetuate addiction and make it difficult to recover. Learning about these mechanisms can help you be more compassionate with yourself and others who are struggling with addiction.
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